Monday, May 05, 2008

The Decline of Leftism in Europe

Nice, I think we should follow Europe's example here.

The Decline of Leftism in Europe

By Bruce Walker

In less than a week the major political parties of the Right in Britain and Italy scored unprecedented electoral victories by winning mayoral races in Rome and then in London. Since the end of the Second World War, the Right had never controlled those two offices. 
These European leaders or, in the case of David Cameron, the Conservative Party leader in Britain, soon to be European leaders, are also very much in synch with Senator McCain regarding the war on terrorism (Cameron is a big McCain fan.)  What could this mean for the world?  It could well mean that for the next four years the leaders of Europe and America could be united in a way seldom seen in modern history to protect Western Civilization from the threats it faces.  Certainly the weeks from mid-April to early May have been better for the Right in Europe than almost anytime ever.  Rumors of the death of Europe may, to paraphrase Twain, may turn out to be greatly exaggerated.
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