Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hmm, what do our politicians do when things change??

Pretty good article, what will the candidates do with what is going on TODAY... it is fine to remember what happened back then, as it helps (or should) from repeating mistakes.

I think it is good to see what they will do now that situations have changed and are they really paying attention.

The Facts in Iraq Are Changing

Michael Barone

As we enter the second half of the campaign year, facts are undermining the Democratic narrative that has dominated our politics since about the time Hurricane Katrina rolled into the Gulf coast -- most importantly, the facts about Iraq.

All of this matters because the rejection of the Republicans in the 2006 elections was a verdict on competence more than ideology. The Republicans seemed incompetent at relieving victims of Katrina, producing success in Iraq and even policing the House page programs. The Democrats could not do worse and might do better. But in the 19 months since November 2006, some important facts have changed.
When asked why he changed his position on an issue, John Maynard Keynes said: "When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?" What say you, Sen. Obama?
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